This is such an essential point. The current Internet is anti-humility. It's built for advertising, it lends itself to theatrics and e-celeb attention seeking even from people who are pretty decent and have good things to say.

The whole model is broken. We need a new Internet.

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Another very funny and somewhat depressingly insightful article on the eternal bait-and-switch the world's Multinationals use to exploit the Brando-worshipping masses! "We'll rob you blind as you heroically choose your culture-war hill to die upon!"

What, don't believe me?! Pass the soap: time to get properly wokewashed!

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lost of great points here, i do wonder what the next decade holds in terms of the woke and cancel culture, all being propped up by social media, celebrity fetishizing, virtue signalling. like all things they reach fever pitch, smash into a million pieces and something new grows. Can't see us being less 'connected' so hopes are pinned onto 'mob mentality'. maybe we slay the dragon and reach protopia. I just hope its not as ugly as the last ten years

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